Where to send checks
A group of around 40 eastern Iowans gathered Saturday, April 22 in Sullivan Park in Waterloo to share their concerns about the coal plant proposal. After informational meetings over the last few weeks, this was the first meeting organized around activism. The Waterloo Courier did a nice job of announcing the gathering beforehand and reporting on the event. Channel 7 and Channel 2 were also present. If you saw other coverage, please note it in the comments.
Those who would like to contribute to a fund to defray expenses like printing and mailing for Clean Air Waterloo volunteers can make checks payable to the Iowa Renewable Energy Association (I-Renew) with "Clean Air Waterloo" in the memo line. The address is:
PO Box 3405
Iowa City, IA
Any checks to I-Renew with a Clean Air Waterloo designation will be earmarked to pay expenses for the grassroots campaign in Waterloo. I-Renew promotes wider implementation of renewable energy and energy conservation by educating Iowans to achieve long-term social, environmental and economic sustainability. Contributions to I-Renew are tax deductible.
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